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Showing posts from October, 2017

Talking with Andrea Algieri

Episode #4 OKINAWA part2: Le Château de Shuri

episode #3 OKINAWA part1


  "We fought endlessly back and forth neither of us gaining or losing ground. The sound of metal clashing became a metallic hum in the air that sang to me, focusing my thoughts. In the midst of it all I found him, my love, my match. I called out to him with my thoughts and felt him approach although, the reason felt wrong and it worried me. What if it were true? What if he was lost to me? Then he came into the room and I knew the truth. Anya moved into my guard and her sword cut my side. My sword fell. She grabbed me. As Anya’s teeth sunk into my throat I heard him call my name “Alexandria, NO!” My eyes slid closed as a tear slid down my cheek. This was the turning point for me and my people. But, you must know what I am and what I have lived through to understand what I did, why I would risk everything, including myself for one male.  I am Alexandria Diego and this is my story." For Their Sins is a first-person narrative following the