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Showing posts from July, 2018

Talking with Andrea Algieri

Book presentation at Steel Horses

September 8, 2018, save the date! Do not take other commitments on the agenda. There will be a presentation of Susanna Casubolo's book "Nel Vuoto" at Steel Horses with Cristiana Emanuela Herzog. The Steel Horses cultural association aims to re-evaluate and spread the knowledge of the territory of the Roman coast to the south-east of the capital. A way to discover from the social, economic and environmental side, an area only partially known by Roman citizens and tourists who crowd the coast during the summer season. Culinary initiatives, 0 km organic food, locally sourced drinks, shows involving men and animals, exaltation of the natural resources of the area such as excursions along the edges of the Tiber, rather than trekking on horseback in the "Aldobrandini" land.   "When Antonio opens the door, he seems a little less   suffering. Go direct into the kitchen and put the bags with the shopping. - Painkillers are taking effect

Egoists a book of superman

  By F. Guzzardi The new edition of Huneker's book that saw his first appearance in 1909, is wholly devoted to those modern poets, philosophers and prose masters whose writings embody the individualistic idea as opposed to altruistic and socialistic sentiments. Amply discussed are Stendhal, whose cult, recently revived on the Continent, is steadily growing; Maurice Barres, French Academician; Anatole France, blithe pagan and delicious ironist; Max Stimer, the forerunner of Nietzsche; The mystics, Ernest Hello new to American readers and William Blake. Much new historical material can be found in the studies of Charles Baudelaire and Gustave Flaubert. The hitherto unpublished letter of the novelist, along with an original page proof of "Madame Bovary," corrected by his own hand, will prove of interest to his admirers. That brilliant virtuoso of the French language, J. K. Huysmans, forms the subject of a chapter, while certain phases of Nietzsche, in

Una notte sola

Cosa scatta nella mente di un uomo al ricordo di certi momenti vissuti, i profumi, luoghi? Le sensazioni che a volte vengono amplificate dalla memoria fino a renderle ossessive, fino ad accettare il desiderio di possesso, come unica arma di scambio, per il ritorno dell'amore perduto o immaginato. Kamilla F. e` una scrittrice raffinata, che tocca punti scabrosi con la leggerezza di una donna. Ecco, sarebbe il caso di dire," l'erotismo secondo lei" privo di volgarita` pur mantenendo un livello di tensione alto. “ Sei un ragazzo fortunato, hai la possibilità di salire su una nave scuola fantastica! Guarda che culo e che labbra! Ci farà delle cose fantastiche con quelle labbra!” “Una bella possibilità per scopare senza impegno e imparare qualcosa, ma poi da rispedire al mittente, che tanto le crisi di coppia passano e le persone tornano sempre insieme”. Questo gli ripetevano gli amici, e lo scrollavano da quel sentimento di attaccamento che provava vedendola, non

Unconventional Bookstore

Today the " unconventional bookstore " project starts with an Italian Restaurant in Lake Mary (Florida). The project involves the exhibition and sale of Hoffmann & Hoffmann books in places that usually do not sell books. Rossellini's is the first test for   Hoffmann & Hoffmann publishing house. This is a restaurant with beautiful terraces overlooking the water at Lake Mary, Florida.   Rossellini is open 7/7 lunch and dinner and offers classic dishes of Italian cuisine.   The project will continue in the next few days in shops centers and offices in Florida, while in one or two months, there will be in some locations in Italy (Rome).   For stores that are interested in participating in this program, you can write a short note by email to: , specifying the title: unconventional bookstores . The program