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Showing posts from November, 2017

Talking with Andrea Algieri

The Secret to Overcoming Writer's Block

Image Source: Unicadmo The Secret to Overcoming Writer's Block I had to learn this the hard way. Four years ago, I ended up in the hospital. They found something in my brain. It was too deep for neurologists to risk going in. The first thing that happens with brain trauma is that you lose balance. This is a physical balance but of course, it would make sense that if you cannot balance your body that perhaps you cannot balance your mind. There are lots that are happening inside your brain. The surrounding nerves are trying to take on the function of the damaged nerve.  I was in the midst of writing my series when this happened to me. Before the injury, I was having the best days of my life. I had a balanced life, mind, and body. My creativity was functioning at its maximum. I had been practicing yoga for three years. And, I had reached that mediated state of mind that nothing and no one could distract or break me. During one of my yoga lessons, the instructor advised, "

26 Giorni

26 Giorni (Italian Edition) Nelle librerie ed in tutti i negozi online, dal 30 Novembre 2017. Il nuovo libro di F. Guzzardi , pubblicato per Hoffmann  & Hoffmann , e` un romanzo in bilico fra un saggio esoterico ed un sogno.  Ambientato a New York, il narratore di questo sogno e` uno scrittore francese, Jean Luc Dupuy, il quale si trovera`, spinto dalla curiosita` di conoscere le verita celate di un vecchio libro esoterico, in uno scenario di ingannevoli figure che attraverseranno la sua vita per il tempo di un insegnamento. Sullo sfondo di una New York notturna e romantica, si incroceranno le vite di alcuni esseri, senza nessuna apparente affinita`, che cambieranno per sempre la vita di Jean. "Da bambino ascoltavo i rumori delle maree, abitavamo a Nizza. A volte mio padre mi portava a pescare e non prendevamo mai niente, tanto che ben presto cominciai a domandarmi perché mi portasse sugli scogli a pescare d’inverno. Finché una volta mi decisi a chiederglielo